Thursday, January 15, 2009

Count Me In's M3 Race

Today we'd like to send a shout out to Count Me In (, whose groundbreaking program "Make Mine a Million Dollar Business" is assisting women entrepreneurs nationwide, helping them grow their businesses - and the nation's economy - in a time of need. Yatra Yoga International received a Micro to Millions award in October of 2008, and is now part of a growing network of vital companies dedicated to growth and sustainability.

And now other women-owned businesses can join us! Visit the Count Me In website to learn more about the The Make Mine a Million $ Business RACE, a year-long business growth marathon. Just like the walk/run marathons that you know to benefit breast cancer research and other causes, you can choose your own pace for your 2009 business revenue goal: $250,000, $500K, or one million dollars or more. Whether you have a business or are just starting one, CMI will help you “train” by assessing your business strengths and weaknesses, introducing you to coaches, peer groups and experts, increasing your access to new markets, financing and national recognition so you can grow, create jobs where you live and provide economic stability for your families, communities and the country.

Wishing peace and prosperity to all. Namaste!