Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yatra Teachers on the Road

Our own Jennifer Tipton recently returned from Africa, with new stories and inspirations from her adventures with the Masai, a tribe which lives in its rich traditions in Kenya. As you can see, she took the opportunity to do a camel pose on the beach with some locals - and a camel!

On a seven-day safari, Jennifer visited Amboseli (the home of Mt. Kilimanjaro), Lake Nakuru (the world famous location of the greatest bird spectacle on earth), Lake Naivasha (part of the great rift valley), and the Masai Mara, Kenya's most abundant wildlife preserve.

Yatra Yoga International is pleased to offer yoga safaris in Kenya and South Africa, with some of the best local guides in the country. Call us at 888-359-5020 and we'll share our favorite itineraries with you, your family or small group. Namaste!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Revelations on the Mat

Someone asked me recently how my journey with yoga began. I remember it vividly, and know that I am like many others who found a new part of themselves on the yoga mat... and then just kept going with it.

I was in a yoga class at the local community center, bored, complaining in my mind about the teacher, who I thought just talked too much. I’d been practicing for a few months, loving the asanas and feeling physically great after every class. So I was annoyed with this teacher, and impatient for the flow to begin.

The theme of the class, she explained, was opening the heart. She went on to describe the different heart-opening poses we’d learn, and warned that for some people, it could bring up emotions, for others maybe not. The New Yorker in me was thinking, “yadda yadda… Can we move on here?”

We started moving, some simple vinyasas, and then a series of poses I’d never done, arches and backbends that lifted and exposed the heart, alternating with rest – child poses with forehead to the mat, known to still the clamor of the mind.

And then it happened.

Tears started flowing. And flowing. There was nothing particular in my thoughts, and I can’t say that I felt sadness necessarily, but something was releasing, and the tears were literally flying out of my eyes. Nose running, mat soaked with tears, I walked out to find a tissue, not understanding what I was feeling or why the tears would not stop. It continued through the final meditation, and I was speechless afterward.

That was the day I understood that yoga is bigger than me. And I committed to practicing and learning as much as I could about it.

There's more to the story of course -- a years-long process that continues every day. And now, through YYI, I now have the honor and pleasure of offering yoga retreats to others, working with some of the best teachers in the country, and sharing the beauty and power of this ancient practice.

My team would love to hear your story! Send us a note on our Facebook page, or an email to Namaste.


Friday, August 7, 2009


Perhaps the best thing about sharing the gift of yoga is connecting with new friends, and seeing the results when those friends spend time re-connecting with themselves. It is difficult to describe the lasting benefit of diving into oneself for a full seven days - removed from the cares of the everyday world, listening to your heart and the pulse of nature all around. The quiet place within, the place where all things are known and understood, is allowed to come forward. And that is the magical moment when the heart and the mind connect.

Since part of our mission at Yatra involves connecting with the very people who are ready for an inner adventure - last week we got ourselves up on Facebook, to help spread the word of our work, and the work of our gifted teachers. It's turning out to be a fun way to start new connections - and we invite you to join us and learn more. Namaste.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Teachers, New Retreats for 2010

We're delighted to welcome gifted yoga teachers Pasha Hogan, Robert Sidoti, Sherry Sidoti and Jennifer Tipton to the Yatra family. Visit the "About Us" page at to learn more about them, and the retreats they are creating for the winter of 2010.

Look for new sites in Belize and Hawaii, and return retreats to Maya Tulum (with Steven Cheng), and Villa Sumaya on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala (with Pasha Hogan). Yoga Ma Barbara Powell and black-belt Nia instructor Kelle Rae Oien are also on board for another round of the popular "Trusting the Mystery" - this time at Mar de Jade Holistic Lifestyle Center in Chacala, Mexico. More to come!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Come Shop With Us

It's official! Phase I of our online store has come to life, thanks to many new colleagues and friends. Yatra is growing, thanks to your ongoing support and patronage.

Our gift to you, to celebrate: the first ten clients to make a purchase over $25 at the store will receive $100 off any Yatra retreat between January and April 2010! Come on in, the shopping is beautiful...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Seasons, Changes

A gorgeous spring is underway in the desert Southwest, though our minds are already into next winter... Yes, we are currently planning Yatra's second season of yoga journeys! Three new teachers are coming aboard for 2010 (from both coasts actually) and we look forward to welcoming new friends, and continuing to work with our growing base of clients seeking renewal, beauty and peace.

And - Phase I of Yatra's store is nearly ready to go! Look for great products from our friends at Doce Vida Fitness wear, Osea Skin Care, Nila Bindu Jewelry, and Beauty Scoop - plus the perfect eco-friendly yoga mats and carrying straps, coming soon...

Wishing you all a great summer.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Why We Love Taos

We've been on the road a lot lately to far-flung destinations, and while we truly love it, once springtime approaches we are happy to be close to home.  

Now that everyone is back in the U.S., Yatra's spring season begins in Taos, NM.  From April 17-19, Karuna DiLibero will teach four two-hour classes at a special weekend retreat at El Monte Sagrado Living Resort and Spa, and you can read all the details here.  Karuna has just returned from winter in Scotland (where it rains a lot) and we welcome her back to New Mexico, where the sun shines more than 300 days a year, and you can see the whole sky, all the time.

We're pleased to be working with new friends at El Monte Sagrado, an award-winning destination that is easily one of the most eco-friendly luxury resorts in the world.  The site boasts a Biolarium and The Living Machine, a holistically-designed eco-structure that incorporates recycled water, plants, and rock formation in a self-sustaining ecosystem.  This ecosystem flows throughout the property and creates an enclosed sanctuary around the resort's pool.  By treating and recycling the water with natural filters and purifiers, El Monte Sagrado sustains a fertile year-round environment, even at 7,000 feet above sea level.

On top of all that, there's a top-notch spa, and restaurant, all in a picturesque mountain town where you can hike, bike and escape the clamor of everyday life.  We hope to see you there.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


If we are lucky, many special people touch our lives and make it richer and stronger. This past weekend I had the privilege to attend an event in Santa Fe honoring Gloria Steinem, a longtime inspiration to me. There I was pleased to greet once again two more outstanding and inspiring women: Count Me In's Nell Merlino, and Diane Denish, the Lt. Governor of the state of NM.

Both women are outspoken supporters of women entrepreneurs, and everyone at Yatra sends an enormous thank you for their encouragement and example. Be sure to check out Nell's new book "Stepping Out of Line," and visit to join the RACE for women's economic independence! (See additional post below.)


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala March 2009

Colorful markets. Women and girls in traditional dress, washing clothes in outdoor lavanderias. A breathtaking room to practice yoga - up in the trees, over the water, across from the volcanoes: Air, water, earth, fire all at once!

We are practicing with a group of beautiful warriors, and will return to Villa Sumaya again and again. Blessings to our hosts! We have now experienced the power of Lake Atitlan, known to locals as the Center of the Universe. Now we know why.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feeling the G-Forces

Yatra is growing rapidly and many changes are ahead in the coming spring. Watch for some hot domestic retreats, new partnerships - and an online store! Meanwhile, we are off to Guatemala with ten wonderful yogis and will have more stories to share shortly. Thanks as always for your interest and Namaste!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sayulita, Mexico - February 2009

Lots of love to our wonderful Sayulita group, who enjoyed two yoga classes and one nia class every day for a full beachy week with Barbara Powell and Kelle Rae Oien. One guest wrote to us today: "The rooms, staff, classes, participants and thunder of the ocean were fantastic. Thanks for this amazing experience."

We thank You and look forward to many more wondrous weeks to come. Namaste chicas!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Maya Tulum, February 2009

Two groups return home from their Mexico retreats this weekend! Jodi was in Tulum for the first few days of the "Hatha-Raja-Vinyasa" trip with New York-based teacher Steven Cheng, who rocked us all with six hours of Dharma Mittra-inspired class each day. Monday night brought one of the most incredible shavasanas: A lovely beachside studio, just after sunset, filled with candles -- as soft thunder rolled in, followed by a sweet rain softly landing on the palm leaves above. A magical time, and a wonderful group of people to practice with.

Can't wait to hear from you all - especially the yoga-nia folks who spent the past week in Sayulita!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Count Me In's M3 Race

Today we'd like to send a shout out to Count Me In (, whose groundbreaking program "Make Mine a Million Dollar Business" is assisting women entrepreneurs nationwide, helping them grow their businesses - and the nation's economy - in a time of need. Yatra Yoga International received a Micro to Millions award in October of 2008, and is now part of a growing network of vital companies dedicated to growth and sustainability.

And now other women-owned businesses can join us! Visit the Count Me In website to learn more about the The Make Mine a Million $ Business RACE, a year-long business growth marathon. Just like the walk/run marathons that you know to benefit breast cancer research and other causes, you can choose your own pace for your 2009 business revenue goal: $250,000, $500K, or one million dollars or more. Whether you have a business or are just starting one, CMI will help you “train” by assessing your business strengths and weaknesses, introducing you to coaches, peer groups and experts, increasing your access to new markets, financing and national recognition so you can grow, create jobs where you live and provide economic stability for your families, communities and the country.

Wishing peace and prosperity to all. Namaste!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome to YYI

Welcome to Yatra Yoga International! We hope you'll use this blog to stay informed of our adventures, and gain a new understanding of our company and what we do.

Why we do it, is simple.

First, we'd like you to think about how many hours a day you spend serving others. Then, think about how many hours you spend doing other things that don't serve you. Taking the time to re-connect with yourself and nature, and to deepen your yoga practice, brings about a certain spaciousness that you can bring back to your work, your relationships and your life, infusing them with new ideas and energy. YYI is in the business of generating peace, joy and connectedness - one mind, one excursion at a time.

In Sanskrit, "Yatra" means journey. And our journey is just beginning.

After many months of envisioning, designing, hiring, and learning, our website was born in the summer of 2008, and our mission to provide intimate, high-quality yoga retreats worldwide became a reality. We invite you to join us at any time for one of our transformative excursions. Or, we will help you create your own - from Africa to Argentina, Central America and Mexico, we and our partners are standing by to help make your retreat vision a reality.
