Thursday, September 2, 2010

Aloha and Mahalo

It's true: the weather is beautiful in Hawaii year round! We had the grand privilege of visiting the Big Island in August and met a group of 50+ volunteers of all ages, creating sustainable gardens, constructing eco-buildings, and cooking great food on the 120+ acres known as Kalani Oceanside Retreat. Many thanks to JaRed and all the crew for some great classes in a truly breathtaking setting. Ocean sunrises, tidal pools, and the powerful energy of an erupting volcano just down the beach made for an unforgettable visit. We promise to return, as soon as humanly possible!

We are now gearing up for the third season of Yatra retreats, in Costa Rica, Mexico and Belize in the winter of 2011. Thank you to all of our friends and clients, for your ongoing support of our efforts to generate peace, one retreat at a time.