Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions, Wishes

A new year is upon us, bringing an annual discussion among our friends about... resolutions. Some always make them, some never have, and others gave up long ago, realizing that those ten pounds always come back, and the bank account rarely rises to the level they dream.

One writer this season encourages us to not to bother with resolutions and instead, write a "year in review," noting the people we've met, places we've been, and things we've done in the previous year. And then, write a list of what we want to create in our lives for the coming year. At YYI, 2009 manifested our first season of retreats with new relationships nationally and internationally - energetic clients, strong teachers, gracious hosts, and peaceful natural settings. It was a year of many blessings, and we thank you all for joining us on this journey.

In 2010, a whole new decade is upon us, and the possibilities are abundant. As you write your list of what you want to create in your life, we hope you'll resolve to allow spaciousness in your thoughts, freedom in your feelings, and happiness in all that you do. One of our teachers notes the beauty of all that can happen when we "get out of our own way" -- and we wish you a clear path through the next decade and beyond.