Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feeling the G-Forces

Yatra is growing rapidly and many changes are ahead in the coming spring. Watch for some hot domestic retreats, new partnerships - and an online store! Meanwhile, we are off to Guatemala with ten wonderful yogis and will have more stories to share shortly. Thanks as always for your interest and Namaste!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sayulita, Mexico - February 2009

Lots of love to our wonderful Sayulita group, who enjoyed two yoga classes and one nia class every day for a full beachy week with Barbara Powell and Kelle Rae Oien. One guest wrote to us today: "The rooms, staff, classes, participants and thunder of the ocean were fantastic. Thanks for this amazing experience."

We thank You and look forward to many more wondrous weeks to come. Namaste chicas!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Maya Tulum, February 2009

Two groups return home from their Mexico retreats this weekend! Jodi was in Tulum for the first few days of the "Hatha-Raja-Vinyasa" trip with New York-based teacher Steven Cheng, who rocked us all with six hours of Dharma Mittra-inspired class each day. Monday night brought one of the most incredible shavasanas: A lovely beachside studio, just after sunset, filled with candles -- as soft thunder rolled in, followed by a sweet rain softly landing on the palm leaves above. A magical time, and a wonderful group of people to practice with.

Can't wait to hear from you all - especially the yoga-nia folks who spent the past week in Sayulita!